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File: OCE.h
Contains: Apple Open Collaboration Environment (AOCE) Interfaces.
Version: Technology: AOCE Toolbox 1.02
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __OCE__
#define __OCE__
#ifndef REZ
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __ALIASES__
#include <Aliases.h>
#ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
/* All utility routines defined here are callable at interrupt level. */
typedef unsigned short OCERecordTypeIndex;
typedef unsigned short OCEAttributeTypeIndex;
For anyone who absolutely needs a define of the body of the standard record or
attribute type, use these below. CAUTION! All the types below are assumed to be
in character set 'smRoman'. If you try to compare these to some RString or
AttributeType variable, you must take the character set code into account. Future
standard types may be defined using character sets other than 'smRoman'.
All these standard definitions begin with the Apple symbol (not shown here).
NOTE: To access these, you must call OCEGetIndRecordType or OCEGetIndAttributeType
with the proper index. These routines return pointers to the standard type.
This was done so that code fragments (INITs, CDEVs, CSAMs, etc). which cannot
use global data can also use these.
/* Indices for the standard definitions for certain record types (OCERecordTypeIndex): */
enum {
kUserRecTypeNum = 1, /* "User" */
kGroupRecTypeNum = 2, /* "Group" */
kMnMRecTypeNum = 3, /* "AppleMail[tm] M&M" */
kMnMForwarderRecTypeNum = 4, /* "AppleMail[tm] Fwdr" */
kNetworkSpecRecTypeNum = 5, /* "NetworkSpec" */
kADAPServerRecTypeNum = 6, /* "ADAP Server" */
kADAPDNodeRecTypeNum = 7, /* "ADAP DNode" */
kADAPDNodeRepRecTypeNum = 8, /* "ADAP DNode Rep" */
kServerSetupRecTypeNum = 9, /* "Server Setup" */
kDirectoryRecTypeNum = 10, /* "Directory" */
kDNodeRecTypeNum = 11, /* "DNode" */
kSetupRecTypeNum = 12, /* "Setup" */
kMSAMRecTypeNum = 13, /* "MSAM" */
kDSAMRecTypeNum = 14, /* "DSAM" */
kAttributeValueRecTypeNum = 15, /* "Attribute Value" */
kBusinessCardRecTypeNum = 16, /* "Business Card" */
kMailServiceRecTypeNum = 17, /* "Mail Service" */
kCombinedRecTypeNum = 18, /* "Combined" */
kOtherServiceRecTypeNum = 19, /* "Other Service" */
kAFPServiceRecTypeNum = 20, /* "Other Service afps" */
kFirstOCERecTypeNum = kUserRecTypeNum, /* first standard OCE record type */
kLastOCERecTypeNum = kAFPServiceRecTypeNum, /* last standard OCE record type */
kNumOCERecTypes = (kLastOCERecTypeNum - kFirstOCERecTypeNum + 1)
/* Indices for the standard definitions for certain attribute types (OCEAttributeTypeIndex): */
enum {
kMemberAttrTypeNum = 1001, /* "Member" */
kAdminsAttrTypeNum = 1002, /* "Administrators" */
kMailSlotsAttrTypeNum = 1003, /* "mailslots" */
kPrefMailAttrTypeNum = 1004, /* "pref mailslot" */
kAddressAttrTypeNum = 1005, /* "Address" */
kPictureAttrTypeNum = 1006, /* "Picture" */
kAuthKeyAttrTypeNum = 1007, /* "auth key" */
kTelephoneAttrTypeNum = 1008, /* "Telephone" */
kNBPNameAttrTypeNum = 1009, /* "NBP Name" */
kQMappingAttrTypeNum = 1010, /* "ForwarderQMap" */
kDialupSlotAttrTypeNum = 1011, /* "DialupSlotInfo" */
kHomeNetAttrTypeNum = 1012, /* "Home Internet" */
kCoResAttrTypeNum = 1013, /* "Co-resident M&M" */
kFwdrLocalAttrTypeNum = 1014, /* "FwdrLocalRecord" */
kConnectAttrTypeNum = 1015, /* "Connected To" */
kForeignAttrTypeNum = 1016, /* "Foreign RLIs" */
kOwnersAttrTypeNum = 1017, /* "Owners" */
kReadListAttrTypeNum = 1018, /* "ReadList" */
kWriteListAttrTypeNum = 1019, /* "WriteList" */
kDescriptorAttrTypeNum = 1020, /* "Descriptor" */
kCertificateAttrTypeNum = 1021, /* "Certificate" */
kMsgQsAttrTypeNum = 1022, /* "MessageQs" */
kPrefMsgQAttrTypeNum = 1023, /* "PrefMessageQ" */
kMasterPFAttrTypeNum = 1024, /* "MasterPF" */
kMasterNetSpecAttrTypeNum = 1025, /* "MasterNetSpec" */
kServersOfAttrTypeNum = 1026, /* "Servers Of" */
kParentCIDAttrTypeNum = 1027, /* "Parent CID" */
kNetworkSpecAttrTypeNum = 1028, /* "NetworkSpec" */
kLocationAttrTypeNum = 1029, /* "Location" */
kTimeSvrTypeAttrTypeNum = 1030, /* "TimeServer Type" */
kUpdateTimerAttrTypeNum = 1031, /* "Update Timer" */
kShadowsOfAttrTypeNum = 1032, /* "Shadows Of" */
kShadowServerAttrTypeNum = 1033, /* "Shadow Server" */
kTBSetupAttrTypeNum = 1034, /* "TB Setup" */
kMailSetupAttrTypeNum = 1035, /* "Mail Setup" */
kSlotIDAttrTypeNum = 1036, /* "SlotID" */
kGatewayFileIDAttrTypeNum = 1037, /* "Gateway FileID" */
kMailServiceAttrTypeNum = 1038, /* "Mail Service" */
kStdSlotInfoAttrTypeNum = 1039, /* "Std Slot Info" */
kAssoDirectoryAttrTypeNum = 1040, /* "Asso. Directory" */
kDirectoryAttrTypeNum = 1041, /* "Directory" */
kDirectoriesAttrTypeNum = 1042, /* "Directories" */
kSFlagsAttrTypeNum = 1043, /* "SFlags" */
kLocalNameAttrTypeNum = 1044, /* "Local Name" */
kLocalKeyAttrTypeNum = 1045, /* "Local Key" */
kDirUserRIDAttrTypeNum = 1046, /* "Dir User RID" */
kDirUserKeyAttrTypeNum = 1047, /* "Dir User Key" */
kDirNativeNameAttrTypeNum = 1048, /* "Dir Native Name" */
kCommentAttrTypeNum = 1049, /* "Comment" */
kRealNameAttrTypeNum = 1050, /* "Real Name" */
kPrivateDataAttrTypeNum = 1051, /* "Private Data" */
kDirTypeAttrTypeNum = 1052, /* "Directory Type" */
kDSAMFileAliasAttrTypeNum = 1053, /* "DSAM File Alias" */
kCanAddressToAttrTypeNum = 1054, /* "Can Address To" */
kDiscriminatorAttrTypeNum = 1055, /* "Discriminator" */
kAliasAttrTypeNum = 1056, /* "Alias" */
kParentMSAMAttrTypeNum = 1057, /* "Parent MSAM" */
kParentDSAMAttrTypeNum = 1058, /* "Parent DSAM" */
kSlotAttrTypeNum = 1059, /* "Slot" */
kAssoMailServiceAttrTypeNum = 1060, /* "Asso. Mail Service" */
kFakeAttrTypeNum = 1061, /* "Fake" */
kInheritSysAdminAttrTypeNum = 1062, /* "Inherit SysAdministrators" */
kPreferredPDAttrTypeNum = 1063, /* "Preferred PD" */
kLastLoginAttrTypeNum = 1064, /* "Last Login" */
kMailerAOMStateAttrTypeNum = 1065, /* "Mailer AOM State" */
kMailerSendOptionsAttrTypeNum = 1066, /* "Mailer Send Options" */
kJoinedAttrTypeNum = 1067, /* "Joined" */
kUnconfiguredAttrTypeNum = 1068, /* "Unconfigured" */
kVersionAttrTypeNum = 1069, /* "Version" */
kLocationNamesAttrTypeNum = 1070, /* "Location Names" */
kActiveAttrTypeNum = 1071, /* "Active" */
kDeleteRequestedAttrTypeNum = 1072, /* "Delete Requested" */
kGatewayTypeAttrTypeNum = 1073, /* "Gateway Type" */
kFirstOCEAttrTypeNum = kMemberAttrTypeNum, /* first standard OCE attr type */
kLastOCEAttrTypeNum = kGatewayTypeAttrTypeNum, /* last standard OCE attr type */
kNumOCEAttrTypes = (kLastOCEAttrTypeNum - kFirstOCEAttrTypeNum + 1)
#endif /* REZ */
/* Standard definitions for certain record types: */
#define kUserRecTypeBody "aoce User"
#define kGroupRecTypeBody "aoce Group"
#define kMnMRecTypeBody "aoce AppleMail[tm] M&M"
#define kMnMForwarderRecTypeBody "aoce AppleMail[tm] Fwdr"
#define kNetworkSpecRecTypeBody "aoce NetworkSpec"
#define kADAPServerRecTypeBody "aoce ADAP Server"
#define kADAPDNodeRecTypeBody "aoce ADAP DNode"
#define kADAPDNodeRepRecTypeBody "aoce ADAP DNode Rep"
#define kServerSetupRecTypeBody "aoce Server Setup"
#define kDirectoryRecTypeBody "aoce Directory"
#define kDNodeRecTypeBody "aoce DNode"
#define kSetupRecTypeBody "aoce Setup"
#define kMSAMRecTypeBody "aoce MSAM"
#define kDSAMRecTypeBody "aoce DSAM"
#define kAttributeValueRecTypeBody "aoce Attribute Value"
#define kBusinessCardRecTypeBody "aoce Business Card"
#define kMailServiceRecTypeBody "aoce Mail Service"
#define kCombinedRecTypeBody "aoce Combined"
#define kOtherServiceRecTypeBody "aoce Other Service"
#define kAFPServiceRecTypeBody "aoce Other Service afps"
/* Standard definitions for certain attribute types: */
#define kMemberAttrTypeBody "aoce Member"
#define kAdminsAttrTypeBody "aoce Administrators"
#define kMailSlotsAttrTypeBody "aoce mailslots"
#define kPrefMailAttrTypeBody "aoce pref mailslot"
#define kAddressAttrTypeBody "aoce Address"
#define kPictureAttrTypeBody "aoce Picture"
#define kAuthKeyAttrTypeBody "aoce auth key"
#define kTelephoneAttrTypeBody "aoce Telephone"
#define kNBPNameAttrTypeBody "aoce NBP Name"
#define kQMappingAttrTypeBody "aoce ForwarderQMap"
#define kDialupSlotAttrTypeBody "aoce DialupSlotInfo"
#define kHomeNetAttrTypeBody "aoce Home Internet"
#define kCoResAttrTypeBody "aoce Co-resident M&M"
#define kFwdrLocalAttrTypeBody "aoce FwdrLocalRecord"
#define kConnectAttrTypeBody "aoce Connected To"
#define kForeignAttrTypeBody "aoce Foreign RLIs"
#define kOwnersAttrTypeBody "aoce Owners"
#define kReadListAttrTypeBody "aoce ReadList"
#define kWriteListAttrTypeBody "aoce WriteList"
#define kDescriptorAttrTypeBody "aoce Descriptor"
#define kCertificateAttrTypeBody "aoce Certificate"
#define kMsgQsAttrTypeBody "aoce MessageQs"
#define kPrefMsgQAttrTypeBody "aoce PrefMessageQ"
#define kMasterPFAttrTypeBody "aoce MasterPF"
#define kMasterNetSpecAttrTypeBody "aoce MasterNetSpec"
#define kServersOfAttrTypeBody "aoce Servers Of"
#define kParentCIDAttrTypeBody "aoce Parent CID"
#define kNetworkSpecAttrTypeBody "aoce NetworkSpec"
#define kLocationAttrTypeBody "aoce Location"
#define kTimeSvrTypeAttrTypeBody "aoce TimeServer Type"
#define kUpdateTimerAttrTypeBody "aoce Update Timer"
#define kShadowsOfAttrTypeBody "aoce Shadows Of"
#define kShadowServerAttrTypeBody "aoce Shadow Server"
#define kTBSetupAttrTypeBody "aoce TB Setup"
#define kMailSetupAttrTypeBody "aoce Mail Setup"
#define kSlotIDAttrTypeBody "aoce SlotID"
#define kGatewayFileIDAttrTypeBody "aoce Gateway FileID"
#define kMailServiceAttrTypeBody "aoce Mail Service"
#define kStdSlotInfoAttrTypeBody "aoce Std Slot Info"
#define kAssoDirectoryAttrTypeBody "aoce Asso. Directory"
#define kDirectoryAttrTypeBody "aoce Directory"
#define kDirectoriesAttrTypeBody "aoce Directories"
#define kSFlagsAttrTypeBody "aoce SFlags"
#define kLocalNameAttrTypeBody "aoce Local Name"
#define kLocalKeyAttrTypeBody "aoce Local Key"
#define kDirUserRIDAttrTypeBody "aoce Dir User RID"
#define kDirUserKeyAttrTypeBody "aoce Dir User Key"
#define kDirNativeNameAttrTypeBody "aoce Dir Native Name"
#define kCommentAttrTypeBody "aoce Comment"
#define kRealNameAttrTypeBody "aoce Real Name"
#define kPrivateDataAttrTypeBody "aoce Private Data"
#define kDirTypeAttrTypeBody "aoce Directory Type"
#define kDSAMFileAliasAttrTypeBody "aoce DSAM File Alias"
#define kCanAddressToAttrTypeBody "aoce Can Address To"
#define kDiscriminatorAttrTypeBody "aoce Discriminator"
#define kAliasAttrTypeBody "aoce Alias"
#define kParentMSAMAttrTypeBody "aoce Parent MSAM"
#define kParentDSAMAttrTypeBody "aoce Parent DSAM"
#define kSlotAttrTypeBody "aoce Slot"
#define kAssoMailServiceAttrTypeBody "aoce Asso. Mail Service"
#define kFakeAttrTypeBody "aoce Fake"
#define kInheritSysAdminAttrTypeBody "aoce Inherit SysAdministrators"
#define kPreferredPDAttrTypeBody "aoce Preferred PD"
#define kLastLoginAttrTypeBody "aoce Last Login"
#define kMailerAOMStateAttrTypeBody "aoce Mailer AOM State"
#define kMailerSendOptionsAttrTypeBody "aoce Mailer Send Options"
#define kJoinedAttrTypeBody "aoce Joined"
#define kUnconfiguredAttrTypeBody "aoce Unconfigured"
#define kVersionAttrTypeBody "aoce Version"
#define kLocationNamesAttrTypeBody "aoce Location Names"
#define kActiveAttrTypeBody "aoce Active"
#define kDeleteRequestedAttrTypeBody "aoce Delete Requested"
#define kGatewayTypeAttrTypeBody "aoce Gateway Type"
#ifndef REZ
/* Miscellaneous enums: */
enum {
kRString32Size = 32, /* max size of the body field in RString32 */
kRString64Size = 64, /* max size of the body field in RString64 */
kNetworkSpecMaxBytes = 32, /* max size of the body field in NetworkSpec */
kPathNameMaxBytes = 1024, /* max size of the data field in PackedPathName */
kDirectoryNameMaxBytes = 32, /* max size of the body field in DirectoryName */
kAttributeTypeMaxBytes = 32, /* max size of the body field in AttributeType */
kAttrValueMaxBytes = 65536L, /* max size of any attribute value */
kRStringMaxBytes = 256, /* max size (in bytes) of the body field of a recordName or recordType */
kRStringMaxChars = 128 /* max size (in chars) of the body field of a recordName or recordType */
enum {
kNULLDNodeNumber = 0, /* Special value meaning none specified */
kRootDNodeNumber = 2 /* DNodeNum corresponding to the root of the tree */
This enum is used to select the kind of RString in calls such as OCERelRString,
OCEEqualRString, and OCEValidRString.
eGenericSensitive and eGenericInsensitive are enumerators that can be used if you
use RStrings for things other than what you see in this file. If you want them to
be compared in a case- and diacritical-sensitive manner (c != C != Á), use
eGenericSensitive. If you want them to be compared in a case- and diacritical-
insensitive manner (c = C = Á), use eGenericInensitive.
WARNING: do not use eGenericSensitive and eGenericInsensitive with catalog
names, entity names, pathname parts, entity types, network specs, or attribute
types! Don't assume that you know how they should be compared!!!
enum {
kOCEDirName = 0,
kOCERecordOrDNodeName = 1,
kOCERecordType = 2,
kOCENetworkSpec = 3,
kOCEAttrType = 4,
kOCEGenericSensitive = 5,
kOCEGenericInsensitive = 6
typedef unsigned short RStringKind;
/* Values for the signature field in Discriminator */
enum {
kDirAllKinds = 0,
kDirADAPKind = 'adap',
kDirPersonalDirectoryKind = 'pdir',
kDirDSAMKind = 'dsam'
typedef unsigned long OCEDirectoryKind;
/* Values returned by GetDSSpecInfo() */
enum {
kOCEInvalidDSSpec = 0x3F3F3F3F, /* '????' could not be determined */
kOCEDirsRootDSSpec = 'root', /* root of all catalogs ("Catalogs" icon) */
kOCEDirectoryDSSpec = 'dire', /* catalog */
kOCEDNodeDSSpec = 'dnod', /* d-node */
kOCERecordDSSpec = 'reco', /* record */
kOCEentnDSSpec = 'entn', /* extensionType is 'entn' */
kOCENOTentnDSSpec = 'not ' /* extensionType is not 'entn' */
/* Values for AttributeTag */
enum {
typeRString = 'rstr',
typePackedDSSpec = 'dspc',
typeBinary = 'bnry'
Bit flag corresponding to the canContainRecords bit. Use it like this:
if (foo & kCanContainRecords)
then this dNode can contain records!
kForeignNode is used to indicate nodes in the name hierarchy that correspond to
foreign catalogs (meaning ADAP sees no clusters or DNodes beneath it, but
mail routers might be able to route to clusters beneath it.
enum {
kCanContainRecordsBit = 0,
kForeignNodeBit = 1
/* DirNodeKind */
enum {
kCanContainRecords = 1L << kCanContainRecordsBit,
kForeignNode = 1L << kForeignNodeBit
typedef unsigned long DirNodeKind;
/**** Toolbox Control ****/
We will have a version number and attributes for toolboxes off the aa5e trap
and the S&F server trap.
This includes the OCE toolbox and S&F Server. [Note: the S&F server will
change to ONLY service ServerGateway calls --it will then be necessary to run
it co-resident with an OCE toolbox].
The high order word will represent the S&F Server version number. The low
order word will represent the OCE toolbox version number. These will be zero
until the component is up and running. It is not possible to know these
a-priori. Note: there will not be a seperate version numbers for each component
in the OCE toolbox or S&F server.
The above is consistent with the standard System 7.0 usage of Gestalt.
The oce tb attribute gestaltOCETBPresent implies the existence of OCE on a
The OCE TB attribute gestaltOCETBAvailable implies the availablity of OCE calls.
The attribute gestaltOCESFServerAvailable implies the availablity of OCE calls
available through the S&F server. This are essentially the server gateway calls.
Any (future) remaining OCE attributes may not be established correctly until
the attribute gestaltOCETBAvailable is set.
The gestalt selectors and values are listed below:
enum {
gestaltOCEToolboxVersion = 'ocet', /* OCE Toolbox version */
gestaltOCEToolboxAttr = 'oceu' /* OCE Toolbox attributes */
version includes:
* dirtb
* authtb
* mailtb
* ipmtb
* personal catalog
* ADSPSecure
* e.g. all interfaces dependent on the aa5e trap.
enum {
gestaltOCETB = 0x0102, /* OCE Toolbox version 1.02 */
gestaltSFServer = 0x0100, /* S&F Server version 1.0 */
gestaltOCETBPresent = 0x01, /* OCE toolbox is present, not running */
gestaltOCETBAvailable = 0x02, /* OCE toolbox is running and available */
gestaltOCESFServerAvailable = 0x04, /* S&F Server is running and available */
gestaltOCETBNativeGlueAvailable = 0x10 /* Native PowerPC Glue routines are availible */
/* Constants used for Transitions. */
enum {
ATTransIPMStart = 'ipms',
ATTransIPMShutdown = 'ipmd',
ATTransDirStart = 'dirs',
ATTransDirShutdown = 'dird',
ATTransAuthStart = 'auts',
ATTransAuthShutdown = 'autd',
ATTransSFStart = 's&fs',
ATTransSFShutdown = 's&fd'
/* Some definitions for time-related parameters: */
/* Interpreted as UTC seconds since 1/1/1904 */
typedef unsigned long UTCTime;
/* seconds EAST of Greenwich */
typedef long UTCOffset;
/* This is the same as the ScriptManager script. */
typedef short CharacterSet;
/**** RString ****/
struct RString is a maximum-sized structure. Allocate one of these and it will
hold any valid RString.
struct RString {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
Byte body[256]; /* place for characters */
typedef struct RString RString;
/* struct ProtoRString is a minimum-sized structure. Use this for a variable-length RString. */
struct ProtoRString {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
typedef struct ProtoRString ProtoRString;
typedef RString *RStringPtr;
typedef RStringPtr *RStringHandle;
typedef ProtoRString *ProtoRStringPtr;
struct RString64 {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
Byte body[64];
typedef struct RString64 RString64;
struct RString32 {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
Byte body[32];
typedef struct RString32 RString32;
Standard definitions for the entity type field and attribute type
have been moved to the end of the file.
Copies str1 to str2. str2Length is the size of str2, excluding header.
A memFull error will be returned if that is not as large as str1->dataLength.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyRString(const RString *str1, RString *str2, unsigned short str2Length)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0308, 0xAA5C);
Make an RString from a C string. If the c string is bigger than rStrLength,
only rStrLength bytes will be copied. (rStrLength does not include the header size)
extern pascal void OCECToRString(const char *cStr, CharacterSet charSet, RString *rStr, unsigned short rStrLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0339, 0xAA5C);
Make an RString from a Pascal string. If the Pascal string is bigger than rStrLength,
only rStrLength bytes will be copied. (rStrLength does not include the header size)
extern pascal void OCEPToRString(ConstStr255Param pStr, CharacterSet charSet, RString *rStr, unsigned short rStrLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x033A, 0xAA5C);
Make a Pascal string from an RString. It's up to you to check the char set of
the RString, or if the length of the RString is greater than 255 (the Pascal string's
length will simply be the lower byte of the RString's length). The StringPtr that is
returned will point directly into the RString (no memory will be allocated).
extern pascal StringPtr OCERToPString(const RString *rStr)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x033B, 0xAA5C);
Check the relative equality of two RStrings. Determines if str1 is greater than,
equal to, or less than str2. Result types for OCERelRString are defined in <OSUtils.h>
(same as for RelString).
extern pascal short OCERelRString(const void *str1, const void *str2, RStringKind kind)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032D, 0xAA5C);
/* Check for equality of two RStrings. Returns true if equal. */
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualRString(const void *str1, const void *str2, RStringKind kind)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0316, 0xAA5C);
/* Check the validity of an RString. Returns true if the RString is valid */
extern pascal Boolean OCEValidRString(const void *str, RStringKind kind)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0338, 0xAA5C);
/**** CreationID ****/
struct CreationID {
unsigned long source; /* Fields definitions and usage are not defined */
unsigned long seq;
typedef struct CreationID CreationID;
typedef CreationID AttributeCreationID;
typedef CreationID *CreationIDPtr;
/* Returns a pointer to a null CreationID . */
extern pascal const CreationID *OCENullCID(void )
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0344, 0xAA5C);
/* Returns a pointer to a special CreationID used within the PathFinder. */
extern pascal const CreationID *OCEPathFinderCID(void )
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x033C, 0xAA5C);
/* Sets the CreationID to a null value. */
extern pascal void OCESetCreationIDtoNull(CreationID *cid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032E, 0xAA5C);
/* Copies the value of cid1 to cid2. */
extern pascal void OCECopyCreationID(const CreationID *cid1, CreationID *cid2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0300, 0xAA5C);
/* Check the equality of two CreationIDs. */
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualCreationID(const CreationID *cid1, const CreationID *cid2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x030C, 0xAA5C);
/**** NetworkSpec ****/
For the record, a NetworkSpec is an RString with a smaller maximum size.
I don't just typedef it to an RString, because I want the definition of the NetworkSpec
struct to contain the max length. But it should be possible to typecast any
NetworkSpec to an RString and use all the RString utilities on it.
struct NetworkSpec {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
Byte body[32]; /* always fixed at the max size */
typedef struct NetworkSpec NetworkSpec;
typedef NetworkSpec *NetworkSpecPtr;
/**** PackedPathName ****/
struct PackedPathName is a maximum-sized structure. Allocate one of
these and it will hold any valid packed pathname.
struct PackedPathName {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
Byte data[1022];
typedef struct PackedPathName PackedPathName;
struct ProtoPackedPathName is a minimum-sized structure. Use this
for a variable-length packed PathName.
struct ProtoPackedPathName {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
/* Followed by data */
typedef struct ProtoPackedPathName ProtoPackedPathName;
typedef PackedPathName *PackedPathNamePtr;
typedef ProtoPackedPathName *ProtoPackedPathNamePtr;
Copy the contents of path1 to path2. path2Length is the size of path2, and must
be large enough to hold a copy of path1. A memFull error will be returned if that
is not the case.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyPackedPathName(const PackedPathName *path1, PackedPathName *path2, unsigned short path2Length)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0304, 0xAA5C);
Returns true if packed path pointer is nil, or is of zero length, or is of
length 2 and nParts of zero.
extern pascal Boolean OCEIsNullPackedPathName(const PackedPathName *path)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x031D, 0xAA5C);
OCEUnpackPathName breaks apart the path into its component RStrings, writing string
pointers into the array 'parts', which the client asserts can hold as many as
'nParts' elements. The number of parts actually found is returned. Strings are
placed in the array in order from lowest to highest. The first pathName element
extern pascal unsigned short OCEUnpackPathName(const PackedPathName *path, RString *const parts[], unsigned short nParts)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0330, 0xAA5C);
OCEPackedPathNameSize computes the number of bytes of memory needed to hold a
PackedPathName manufactured from the array of parts. This length
includes the length of the length field of PackedPathName, so it
is safe to do a NewPtr (OCEPackedPathNameSize(...)).
extern pascal unsigned short OCEPackedPathNameSize(const RStringPtr parts[], unsigned short nParts)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0328, 0xAA5C);
/* OCEDNodeNameCount returns the number of RStrings contained within the path. */
extern pascal unsigned short OCEDNodeNameCount(const PackedPathName *path)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032C, 0xAA5C);
OCEPackPathName packs the parts into the storage provided as 'path'. path must be
large enough to hold the packed pathname. A memFull error will be returned if
pathLength is too small. parts[0] should contain the deepest pathName element,
and parts[nParts - 1] should contain the name of the first pathName element beneath
the root.
extern pascal OSErr OCEPackPathName(const RStringPtr parts[], unsigned short nParts, PackedPathName *path, unsigned short pathLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0323, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two packed paths.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualPackedPathName(const PackedPathName *path1, const PackedPathName *path2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0311, 0xAA5C);
OCEValidPackedPathName checks that the packed PathName is internally consistent.
Returns true if it's ok.
extern pascal Boolean OCEValidPackedPathName(const PackedPathName *path)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0334, 0xAA5C);
/**** DirDiscriminator ****/
struct DirDiscriminator {
OCEDirectoryKind signature;
unsigned long misc;
typedef struct DirDiscriminator DirDiscriminator;
/* Copies the value of disc1 to disc2. */
extern pascal void OCECopyDirDiscriminator(const DirDiscriminator *disc1, DirDiscriminator *disc2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0301, 0xAA5C);
/* Check the equality of two DirDiscriminators. */
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualDirDiscriminator(const DirDiscriminator *disc1, const DirDiscriminator *disc2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x030D, 0xAA5C);
This structure is called RLI because it really contains all the info you
need to locate a record within the entire name space. It contains four fields.
The first two are the name of the catalog and a catalog discriminator. These
two fields are used to indicate to which catalog a given record belongs. The
discriminator is used to distinguish between two different catalogs that have
the same name.
The other two fields in the RLI structure are used to indicate a particular
catalog node within the catalog specified by the directoryName and
discriminator fields. These fields are exactly analagous to the dirID and
pathname used in HFS. It is possible to specify a dNode just by dNodeNumber
(pathname is nil), or just by pathname (dNodeNumber is set to kNULLDNodeNumber),
or by a combination of the two. The latter is called a 'partial pathname', and
while it is valid in the Catalog Manager API, it is not supported by ADAP
catalogs in Release 1.
Note that the path parameter does not include the catalog name, but holds
the names of all the nodes on the path to the desired catalog node, starting
with the catalog node and working its way up the tree.
/**** RLI ****/
struct DirectoryName {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
Byte body[32]; /* space for catalog name */
typedef struct DirectoryName DirectoryName;
typedef DirectoryName *DirectoryNamePtr;
/* Catalog node number */
typedef unsigned long DNodeNum;
struct RLI {
DirectoryNamePtr directoryName; /* pointer to the name of the catalog root */
DirDiscriminator discriminator; /* used to discriminate between dup catalog names */
DNodeNum dNodeNumber; /* number of the node */
PackedPathNamePtr path; /* old-style RLI */
typedef struct RLI RLI;
typedef RLI *RLIPtr;
Create a new RLI from the catalog name, discriminator, DNode number, and
PackedPathName. You must allocate the storage for the RLI and pass in a pointer
to it.
extern pascal void OCENewRLI(RLI *newRLI, const DirectoryName *dirName, DirDiscriminator *discriminator, DNodeNum dNodeNumber, const PackedPathName *path)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x031F, 0xAA5C);
Duplicate the contents of rli1 to rli2. No errors are returned. This
simply copies the pointers to the catalog name and path, wiping out any pointer
that you might have had in there.
extern pascal void OCEDuplicateRLI(const RLI *rli1, RLI *rli2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x030B, 0xAA5C);
Copy the contents of rli1 to rli2. rli2 must already contain
pointers to structures large enough to hold copies of the corresponding
fields from rli1. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
So if you allocate a brand new empty destination, you must at least set up
its length fields.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyRLI(const RLI *rli1, RLI *rli2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0307, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two RLIs. This will take into account differences
in the case and diacriticals of the directoryName and the PathName.
The one exception is that if the pathname is nil, a dNodeNumber of zero and
kRootDNodeNumber will be treated as equal.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualRLI(const RLI *rli1, const RLI *rli2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0315, 0xAA5C);
Check the validity of an RLI. This checks that the catalog name length
is within bounds, and the packed pathname (if specified) is valid.
extern pascal Boolean OCEValidRLI(const RLI *theRLI)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0337, 0xAA5C);
/**** PackedRLI ****/
struct PackedRLI is a maximum-sized structure. Allocate one of
these and it will hold any valid packed pathname.
enum {
kRLIMaxBytes = (sizeof(RString) + sizeof(DirDiscriminator) + sizeof(DNodeNum) + kPathNameMaxBytes)
struct PackedRLI {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
Byte data[1296];
typedef struct PackedRLI PackedRLI;
struct ProtoPackedRLI is a minimum-sized structure. Use this
for a variable-length packed RLI.
struct ProtoPackedRLI {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
/* Followed by data */
typedef struct ProtoPackedRLI ProtoPackedRLI;
typedef PackedRLI *PackedRLIPtr;
typedef ProtoPackedRLI *ProtoPackedRLIPtr;
Copy the contents of prli1 to prli2. prli2Length is the size of prli2, and must
be large enough to hold a copy of prli1. A memFull error will be returned if that
is not the case.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyPackedRLI(const PackedRLI *prli1, PackedRLI *prli2, unsigned short prli2Length)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0305, 0xAA5C);
OCEUnpackRLI breaks apart the prli into its components, writing pointers into
extern pascal void OCEUnpackRLI(const PackedRLI *prli, RLI *theRLI)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0331, 0xAA5C);
OCEPackedRLISize computes the number of bytes of memory needed to hold a
PackedRLI manufactured from an RLI. This length
includes the length of the length field of PackedRLI, so it
is safe to do a NewPtr (OCEPackedRLISize(...)).
extern pascal unsigned short OCEPackedRLISize(const RLI *theRLI)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032A, 0xAA5C);
OCEPackRLI packs the RLI into the storage provided as 'prli'. prli must be
large enough to hold the packed RLI. A memFull error will be returned if
prliLength is too small.
extern pascal OSErr OCEPackRLI(const RLI *theRLI, PackedRLI *prli, unsigned short prliLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0324, 0xAA5C);
OCEPackedRLIPartsSize computes the number of bytes of memory needed to hold a
PackedRLI manufactured from the parts of an RLI. This length
includes the length of the length field of PackedRLI, so it
is safe to do a NewPtr (OCEPackedRLIPartsSize(...)).
extern pascal unsigned short OCEPackedRLIPartsSize(const DirectoryName *dirName, const RStringPtr parts[], unsigned short nParts)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0329, 0xAA5C);
OCEPackRLIParts packs the parts of an RLI into the storage provided as 'prli'.
prli must be large enough to hold the packed RLI. A memFull error will be returned
if prliLength is too small.
extern pascal OSErr OCEPackRLIParts(const DirectoryName *dirName, const DirDiscriminator *discriminator, DNodeNum dNodeNumber, const RStringPtr parts[], unsigned short nParts, PackedRLI *prli, unsigned short prliLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0325, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two packed prlis.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualPackedRLI(const PackedRLI *prli1, const PackedRLI *prli2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0313, 0xAA5C);
Check the validity of a packed RLI. This checks that the catalog name length
is within bounds, and the packed pathname (if specified) is valid.
extern pascal Boolean OCEValidPackedRLI(const PackedRLI *prli)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0336, 0xAA5C);
If this packed RLI describes a Personal Catalog, this call will return a pointer
to an alias record that can be used to find the actual file. Otherwise, it returns nil.
extern pascal AliasPtr OCEExtractAlias(const PackedRLI *prli)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0318, 0xAA5C);
This call returns a pointer to a packed RLI that represents the "Catalogs" icon, or
the root of all catalogs. It is used in the CollabPack.
extern pascal const PackedRLI *OCEGetDirectoryRootPackedRLI(void )
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0346, 0xAA5C);
/**** LocalRecordID ****/
struct LocalRecordID {
CreationID cid;
RStringPtr recordName;
RStringPtr recordType;
typedef struct LocalRecordID LocalRecordID;
typedef LocalRecordID *LocalRecordIDPtr;
/* Create a LocalRecordID from a name, type, and CreationID */
extern pascal void OCENewLocalRecordID(const RString *recordName, const RString *recordType, const CreationID *cid, LocalRecordID *lRID)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x031E, 0xAA5C);
Copy LocalRecordID lRID1 to LocalRecordID lRID2. lRID2 must already contain
pointers to RString structures large enough to hold copies of the corresponding
fields from lRID1. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
So if you allocate a brand new empty destination, you must at least set up
its length field.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyLocalRecordID(const LocalRecordID *lRID1, LocalRecordID *lRID2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0302, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two local RIDs.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualLocalRecordID(const LocalRecordID *lRID1, const LocalRecordID *lRID2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x030F, 0xAA5C);
/**** ShortRecordID ****/
struct ShortRecordID {
PackedRLIPtr rli;
CreationID cid;
typedef struct ShortRecordID ShortRecordID;
typedef ShortRecordID *ShortRecordIDPtr;
/* Create a ShortRecordID from an RLI struct and a CreationID */
extern pascal void OCENewShortRecordID(const PackedRLI *theRLI, const CreationID *cid, ShortRecordIDPtr sRID)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0321, 0xAA5C);
Copy ShortRecordID sRID1 to ShortRecordID sRID2. sRID2 must already contain
pointers to structures large enough to hold copies of the corresponding
fields from sRID1. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
So if you allocate a brand new empty destination, you must at least set up
its length fields.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyShortRecordID(const ShortRecordID *sRID1, ShortRecordID *sRID2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x030A, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two short RIDs.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualShortRecordID(const ShortRecordID *sRID1, const ShortRecordID *sRID2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0317, 0xAA5C);
/**** RecordID ****/
struct RecordID {
PackedRLIPtr rli; /* pointer to a packed rli structure */
LocalRecordID local;
typedef struct RecordID RecordID;
typedef RecordID *RecordIDPtr;
Create a RecordID from a packed RLI struct and a LocalRecordID.
This doesn't allocate any new space; the RecordID points to the same
packed RLI struct and the same name and type RStrings.
extern pascal void OCENewRecordID(const PackedRLI *theRLI, const LocalRecordID *lRID, RecordID *rid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0320, 0xAA5C);
Copy RecordID RID1 to RecordID RID2. RID2 must already contain
pointers to structures large enough to hold copies of the corresponding
fields from lRID1. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
So if you allocate a brand new empty destination, you must at least set up
its length fields.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyRecordID(const RecordID *rid1, const RecordID *rid2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0309, 0xAA5C);
/* Check the equality of two RIDs. */
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualRecordID(const RecordID *rid1, const RecordID *rid2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0314, 0xAA5C);
/**** PackedRecordID ****/
struct PackedRecordID is a maximum-sized structure. Allocate one of
these and it will hold any valid packed RecordID.
enum {
kPackedRecordIDMaxBytes = (kPathNameMaxBytes + sizeof(DNodeNum) + sizeof(DirDiscriminator) + sizeof(CreationID) + (3 * sizeof(RString)))
struct PackedRecordID {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
Byte data[1824];
typedef struct PackedRecordID PackedRecordID;
struct ProtoPackedRecordID is a minimum-sized structure. Use this
for a variable-length packed RecordID.
struct ProtoPackedRecordID {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
/* Followed by data */
typedef struct ProtoPackedRecordID ProtoPackedRecordID;
typedef PackedRecordID *PackedRecordIDPtr;
typedef ProtoPackedRecordID *ProtoPackedRecordIDPtr;
Copy PackedRecordID pRID1 to PackedRecordID pRID2. pRID2 must already contain
pointers to structures large enough to hold copies of the corresponding
fields from pRID1. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
pRID2Length is the number of bytes that can be put into pRID2, not counting the
packed RecordID header.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyPackedRecordID(const PackedRecordID *pRID1, const PackedRecordID *pRID2, unsigned short pRID2Length)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0306, 0xAA5C);
Create a RecordID from a PackedRecordID.
extern pascal void OCEUnpackRecordID(const PackedRecordID *pRID, RecordID *rid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0332, 0xAA5C);
Create a PackedRecordID from a RecordID. pRID must be large enough to contain
the packed RecordID. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
packedRecordIDLength is the number of bytes that can be put into pRID, not
counting the header.
extern pascal OSErr OCEPackRecordID(const RecordID *rid, PackedRecordID *pRID, unsigned short packedRecordIDLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0326, 0xAA5C);
Compute the number of bytes of memory needed to hold a RecordID when packed. This
length includes the length of the length field of PackedRecordID, so it
is safe to do a NewPtr (OCEPackedRecordIDSize(...)).
extern pascal unsigned short OCEPackedRecordIDSize(const RecordID *rid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032B, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two packed RIDs.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualPackedRecordID(const PackedRecordID *pRID1, const PackedRecordID *pRID2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0312, 0xAA5C);
/* OCEValidPackedRecordID checks the validity of a packed record ID. */
extern pascal Boolean OCEValidPackedRecordID(const PackedRecordID *pRID)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0335, 0xAA5C);
/**** DSSpec ****/
struct DSSpec {
RecordID * entitySpecifier;
OSType extensionType;
unsigned short extensionSize;
void * extensionValue;
typedef struct DSSpec DSSpec;
typedef DSSpec *DSSpecPtr;
struct PackedDSSpec is NOT a maximum-sized structure. Allocate one of
these and it will hold any valid packed RecordID, but not necessarily any additional
enum {
kPackedDSSpecMaxBytes = (sizeof(PackedRecordID) + sizeof(OSType) + sizeof(UInt16))
struct PackedDSSpec {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
Byte data[1832];
typedef struct PackedDSSpec PackedDSSpec;
typedef PackedDSSpec *PackedDSSpecPtr;
typedef PackedDSSpecPtr *PackedDSSpecHandle;
struct ProtoPackedDSSpec is a minimum-sized structure. Use this
for a variable-length packed DSSpec.
struct ProtoPackedDSSpec {
unsigned short dataLength; /* dataLength excludes the space for the dataLength field */
/* Followed by data */
typedef struct ProtoPackedDSSpec ProtoPackedDSSpec;
typedef ProtoPackedDSSpec *ProtoPackedDSSpecPtr;
Copy PackedDSSpec pdss1 to PackedDSSpec pdss2. pdss2 must already contain
pointers to structures large enough to hold copies of the corresponding
fields from pdss1. A memFull error will be returned if that is not the case.
pdss2Length is the number of bytes that can be put into pdss2, not counting the
packed DSSpec header.
extern pascal OSErr OCECopyPackedDSSpec(const PackedDSSpec *pdss1, const PackedDSSpec *pdss2, unsigned short pdss2Length)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0303, 0xAA5C);
Create a DSSpec from a PackedDSSpec.
A pointer to the extension is returned in dss->extensionValue, and the length of that
extension is returned in dss->extensionSize. If there is no extension, dss->extensionValue will
be set to nil. This routine will unpack the RecordID (if any) into rid, unpack the rest
into dss, and set dss->entitySpecifier to rid.
extern pascal void OCEUnpackDSSpec(const PackedDSSpec *pdss, DSSpec *dss, RecordID *rid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032F, 0xAA5C);
Create a PackedDSSpec from a DSSpec. pdss must be large enough to
contain the packed RecordID and any extension. A memFull error will be returned if that
is not the case. pdssLength is the number of bytes that can be put into pdss,
not counting the header.
extern pascal OSErr OCEPackDSSpec(const DSSpec *dss, PackedDSSpec *pdss, unsigned short pdssLength)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0322, 0xAA5C);
Compute the number of bytes of memory needed to hold a DSSpec when packed. This
length includes the length of the length field of PackedDSSpec, so it
is safe to do a NewPtr (OCEPackedDSSpecSize(...)).
extern pascal unsigned short OCEPackedDSSpecSize(const DSSpec *dss)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0327, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two DSSpecs. This compares all fields, even the
extension (unless extensionSize == 0). The extensions are compared in a case-insensitive and
diacrit-insensitive manner.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualDSSpec(const DSSpec *pdss1, const DSSpec *pdss2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x030E, 0xAA5C);
Check the equality of two PackedDSSpecs. This compares all fields, even the
extension (unless extensionSize == 0). The extensions are compared in a case-insensitive and
diacrit-insensitive manner.
extern pascal Boolean OCEEqualPackedDSSpec(const PackedDSSpec *pdss1, const PackedDSSpec *pdss2)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0310, 0xAA5C);
Check the validity of a PackedDSSpec. If extensionType is
'entn', pdss must contain a valid entitySpecifier. For all other extensionTypes, a nil
entitySpecifier is valid, but if non-nil, it will be checked for validity. No check
is made on the extension.
extern pascal Boolean OCEValidPackedDSSpec(const PackedDSSpec *pdss)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0333, 0xAA5C);
Return info about a DSSpec. This routine does not check validity. If the
DSSpec has no extension, we determine whether it represents the root of all
catalogs, a single catalog, a DNode, or a Record. Else it is invalid.
If the DSSpec has an extension, we simply return the extension type.
extern pascal OSType OCEGetDSSpecInfo(const DSSpec *spec)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0319, 0xAA5C);
/* OCEGetExtensionType returns the extensionType imbedded in the PackedDSSpec. */
extern pascal OSType OCEGetExtensionType(const PackedDSSpec *pdss)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x031C, 0xAA5C);
OCEStreamPackedDSSpec streams (flattens) a catalog object a little at a time by
calling the DSSpecStreamer routine that you provide.
typedef pascal OSErr (*DSSpecStreamerProcPtr)(void *buffer, unsigned long count, Boolean eof, long userData);
typedef UniversalProcPtr DSSpecStreamerUPP;
typedef DSSpecStreamerProcPtr DSSpecStreamerUPP;
enum {
uppDSSpecStreamerProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(2, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(unsigned long)))
#define NewDSSpecStreamerProc(userRoutine) \
(DSSpecStreamerUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppDSSpecStreamerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewDSSpecStreamerProc(userRoutine) \
((DSSpecStreamerUPP) (userRoutine))
#define CallDSSpecStreamerProc(userRoutine, buffer, count, eof, userData) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppDSSpecStreamerProcInfo, (buffer), (count), (eof), (userData))
#define CallDSSpecStreamerProc(userRoutine, buffer, count, eof, userData) \
(*(userRoutine))((buffer), (count), (eof), (userData))
typedef DSSpecStreamerUPP DSSpecStreamer;
extern pascal OSErr OCEStreamPackedDSSpec(const DSSpec *dss, DSSpecStreamer stream, long userData, unsigned long *actualCount)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x033D, 0xAA5C);
/**** AttributeType ****/
For the record, an AttributeType is an RString with a smaller maximum size.
I don't just typedef it to an RString, because I want the definition of the AttributeType
struct to contain the max length, because I need to include it in the Attribute struct
below. But it should be possible to typecast any AttributeType to an RString and use
all the RString utilities on it.
struct AttributeType {
CharacterSet charSet;
unsigned short dataLength;
Byte body[32]; /* always fixed at the max size */
typedef struct AttributeType AttributeType;
typedef AttributeType *AttributeTypePtr;
/* Miscellaneous defines: (these cannot be made into enums) */
enum {
kMinPackedRStringLength = (sizeof(ProtoRString))
enum {
kMinPackedRLISize = (sizeof(ProtoPackedRLI) + sizeof(DirDiscriminator) + sizeof(DNodeNum) + kMinPackedRStringLength + sizeof(ProtoPackedPathName))
/**** AttributeValue ****/
/* same class as is used in AppleEvents */
typedef DescType AttributeTag;
struct AttributeValue {
AttributeTag tag;
unsigned long dataLength;
void * bytes;
typedef struct AttributeValue AttributeValue;
typedef AttributeValue *AttributeValuePtr;
/**** Attribute ****/
struct Attribute {
AttributeType attributeType;
AttributeCreationID cid;
AttributeValue value;
typedef struct Attribute Attribute;
typedef Attribute *AttributePtr;
extern pascal RString *OCEGetIndRecordType(OCERecordTypeIndex stringIndex)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x031B, 0xAA5C);
extern pascal AttributeType *OCEGetIndAttributeType(OCEAttributeTypeIndex stringIndex)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x031A, 0xAA5C);
enum {
_oceTBDispatch = 0xAA5E
OCESizePackedRecipient, OCEPackRecipient, OCEUnpackRecipient, OCEStreamRecipient,
OCEGetRecipientType, and OCESetRecipientType have moved to the OCE header file.
The OCEMessaging header includes the OCE header, so no changes to your code are
typedef DSSpec OCERecipient;
enum {
kOCESizePackedRecipient = 830,
kOCEPackRecipient = 831,
kOCEUnpackRecipient = 832,
kOCEStreamRecipient = 833,
kOCEGetRecipientType = 834,
kOCESetRecipientType = 835
Compute the space that a OCERecipient would take if it were in packed
form. [Note: does NOT even pad extensionSize, so you may get an odd #back out]
Safe to pass dereferenced handle(s).
extern pascal unsigned short OCESizePackedRecipient(const OCERecipient *rcpt)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x033E, 0xAA5C);
Take an OCERecipient (scatter) and (gather) stream into the specified
buffer. It is assumed that there is sufficient space in the buffer (that is
OCESizePackedRecipient). Safe to pass dereferenced handle(s).
extern pascal unsigned short OCEPackRecipient(const OCERecipient *rcpt, void *buffer)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x033F, 0xAA5C);
Take a packed OCERecipient and cast a the OCERecipient frame over it. Returns
amBadDestId if it doesn't look like an OCERecipient. Safe to pass dereferenced
extern pascal OSErr OCEUnpackRecipient(const void *buffer, OCERecipient *rcpt, RecordID *entitySpecifier)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0340, 0xAA5C);
Take an OCERecipient (scatter) and (gather) stream using the specified
function. Safe to pass dereferenced handle(s). If streamer function returns
OCEError OCEStreamRecipient stops execution and passes the error back to the caller
typedef pascal OSErr (*OCERecipientStreamerProcPtr)(void *buffer, unsigned long count, Boolean eof, long userData);
typedef UniversalProcPtr OCERecipientStreamerUPP;
typedef OCERecipientStreamerProcPtr OCERecipientStreamerUPP;
enum {
uppOCERecipientStreamerProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(2, SIZE_CODE(sizeof(unsigned long)))
#define NewOCERecipientStreamerProc(userRoutine) \
(OCERecipientStreamerUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppOCERecipientStreamerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewOCERecipientStreamerProc(userRoutine) \
((OCERecipientStreamerUPP) (userRoutine))
#define CallOCERecipientStreamerProc(userRoutine, buffer, count, eof, userData) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppOCERecipientStreamerProcInfo, (buffer), (count), (eof), (userData))
#define CallOCERecipientStreamerProc(userRoutine, buffer, count, eof, userData) \
(*(userRoutine))((buffer), (count), (eof), (userData))
typedef OCERecipientStreamerUPP OCERecipientStreamer;
extern pascal OSErr OCEStreamRecipient(const OCERecipient *rcpt, OCERecipientStreamer stream, long userData, unsigned long *actualCount)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0341, 0xAA5C);
/* Get the OCERecipient's extensionType. Safe to pass dereferenced handle(s).*/
extern pascal OSType OCEGetRecipientType(const CreationID *cid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0342, 0xAA5C);
Set the OCERecipient's extensionType in the specified cid. (Note: we do NOT
check for a nil pointer). If the extensionType is 'entn', the cid is assumed
to be "valid" and is not touched. Note: to properly handle non 'entn''s this
routine must and will zero the high long (source) of the cid! Safe to pass
dereferenced handle(s).
extern pascal void OCESetRecipientType(OSType extensionType, CreationID *cid)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0343, 0xAA5C);
OCEGetAccessControlDSSpec and its corresponding data type and constants have
moved to the OCE header from OCEAuthDir. The OCEAuthDir header includes the OCE
header, so no changes to your code are required.
/* access categories bit numbers */
enum {
kThisRecordOwnerBit = 0,
kFriendsBit = 1,
kAuthenticatedInDNodeBit = 2,
kAuthenticatedInDirectoryBit = 3,
kGuestBit = 4,
kMeBit = 5
/* Values of CategoryMask */
enum {
kThisRecordOwnerMask = (1L << kThisRecordOwnerBit),
kFriendsMask = (1L << kFriendsBit),
kAuthenticatedInDNodeMask = (1L << kAuthenticatedInDNodeBit),
kAuthenticatedInDirectoryMask = (1L << kAuthenticatedInDirectoryBit),
kGuestMask = (1L << kGuestBit),
kMeMask = (1L << kMeBit)
typedef unsigned long CategoryMask;
pass kThisRecordOwnerMask, kFriendsMask, kAuthenticatedInDNodeMask, kAuthenticatedInDirectoryMask,
kGuestMask, or kMeMask to this routine, and it will return a pointer to a
DSSpec that can be used in the Get or Set Access Controls calls.
extern pascal DSSpec *OCEGetAccessControlDSSpec(CategoryMask categoryBitMask)
THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0345, 0xAA5C);
#endif /* REZ */
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __OCE__ */